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ImpressPLUS Bite Registration


Thixotropic, Vinyl Polysiloxane (VPS) material used for bite registration, a quick die for temporary inlays and onlays, copying transfers and primary impression with bite trays.

Set Time:Product Code

Regular Set010/1350

Fast Set010/1352

Super Fast Set010/1354


Outstanding handling for accurate, precise occlusal registration every time. Mousse-like consistency that won’t compress or flex.

Sets to ideal hardness for maximum accuracy but remains flexible enough for easy trimming and cutting.

Contains 2 x 50ml cartridges and 6 green tips. Available as super fast, fast and regular set types for maximum clinician control in all procedures.

Regular Set: Work time: 2.00 minutes. Time in Mouth: 1.00 minute.

Fast Set: Work time: 0.30 minute. Time in Mouth: 1.00 minute.

Super Fast Set: Work time: 0.30 minute. Time in Mouth: 0.30 minute.

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