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b'SYRINGES, INFECTION CONTROLStainless SteelProtect+Self-Aspirating Ultrasonic CleanerSyringe Specially formulated low foaming Side loading. cleaner with proteolytic enzymesTriple enzyme for efficacyNon-Hazardous, unperfumedSuitable for use with Ultrasonics and Automatic washers in accordance with manufacturers instructionsProduct Size Code Dilute 5ml per 2 litresMetric 1.8ml 013/0036 warm waterImperial 1.8ml 013/0033 Highly concentratedImperial 2.2ml 013/0034 1:400 dilution ratioCartridge SyringeBreech loading. Product Code1 Litre Bottle 002/0540Protect+ InstrumentCleaning SachetsProduct Size Code Individual pre-dosed soluble sachets, specially Metric 1.8ml 013/0021 formulated surface-active cleanerMetric 2.2ml 013/0023 Rinseable for rapid residue removalImperial 2.2ml 013/0038 Removes dirt, dried blood and other organic matter from Instruments, glasswareAspirating Syringe and hard surfacesSuitable for use in UltrasonicSide loading. Unperfumed1 x 17.5g sachet makesup to 3 litre solutionBox 50Product CodeProduct Size Code 17.5g Sachets 002/0541Metric 1.8ml 013/0020Metric 2.2ml 013/0022Imperial 2.2ml 013/0026 Instrument CleaningStainless Steel Protect+Intraligamental Syringe Pre-Sterilisation BoxSuitable for use withProtect+ InstrumentCleaning SachetsProduct Code3 Litre Box 011/4002Product Size Code Protect+ Pre Sterilisation Metric 2.2ml 013/0037 & Bur Support TrayImperial 2.2ml 013/0035Product Code1.25 Litre Box 011/4001Universal SyringeBur Support Tray 011/4003Re-CapperCode075/0015Email sales@perfectionplus.comwww.perfectionplus.com 17'