b'ENDODONTICSDental Dam Clamps14 2A 1 8AUpper and lower 4 Upper central incisors Upper Partially eruptedmolars that arepartially erupted orSmall upper molar & bicuspids bicuspids molarsirregularly shaped813A Upper molar clampSerrated jawedupper right and lowerleft molars14AUpper and lower large 12A molars that are partially erupted or irregularly Serrated jawed shapedlower right molars202Large lower molar3Flat jawed clampfor small molars00 6 226 Upper & lower Labial anterior Upper & lower7Molar bicuspids large bicuspidsSize Code Size Code Size Code00 004/0008 7 004/0005 13A 004/00741 004/0070 7 Wingless 004/0080 14 004/00752 004/0009 8 004/0010 14A 004/0013 9 29 7 Wingless2A 004/0007 8A 004/0011 26 004/0015 Labial anterior Lower bicuspid General purpose flat 3 004/0071 W8A 004/0014 29 004/0016 jawed lower molar4 004/0072 9 004/0012 202 004/0017 Other sizes available. Use Dental Dam Forceps clamp6 004/0084 12A 004/0073 for placement of clamps.Email sales@perfectionplus.comwww.perfectionplus.com 19'