b'RESTORATIVESRestorePLUS UniversalA high-performance universal hybrid composite with fluoride suitable for both anterior and posterior restorationsxDirect restorations that require optimum aestheticsand bio-compatibilityxDirect cosmetic tooth modificationsxClass III, IV and V cavitiesxRestoration of cervical erosion and root cariesxClass I and selective Class II cavitiesxRepair of fractured incisal edgesxLaminate veneersxCore build upSuitable for:xAnterior and posterior cavitiesClasses l, ll, lll, lV & VxDirect laminate veneersxCore build-upsxFractured laminate veneer and porcelain repairsxRoot caries and defectsTechnical DataFlexural Strength 130 MPa Capsules 20 x 0.25g Syringe 4g KitCompressive Strength 330 MPa Shade Code Shade Code Product CodeA1 010/1730 A1 010/1700 1 x RestorePLUS Syringe A1010/1718Vickers Hardness62 A2 010/1732 A2 010/1702 1 x RestorePLUS Syringe A2 Wear Resistance0.52 Weight % A3 010/1734 A3 010/1704 1 x RestorePLUS Syringe A3 Filler Content83% A3.5 010/1736 A3.5 010/1706 1 x RestorePLUS Syringe A3.5 A4 010/1738 A4 010/1708 1 x Connect+ 5ml Bond Average Filler Size0.8m B2 010/1740 B2 010/1710 1 x PerfectEtch 5ml & 10 TipsRadiopacity3.4 Al: mm C2 010/1744 C2 010/1714BW 010/1746 BW 010/1716Containing FluorideYes Universal Opaque 010/1725RestorePLUS FlowableAn advanced light curing, nano hybrid flowable composite offering superb aesthetics and usabilityxExceptional handling provides control and ease of use combined with high levels of strength for excellent wear resistance and high elasticity for durable, long lasting restorationsxUnlike many flowable composites, RestorePLUS Flow is radiopaqueSuitable for:xMinimally invasive cavity restorationsxClass III and V anterior restorations involvingcervical caries and wedge-shaped defectsSyringe 2g & 5 Tips xClass I and II posteriorShade Code xDeciduous restorationsA1 010/1080A2 010/1081A3 010/1082A3.5 010/1083A4 010/1084Email sales@perfectionplus.comwww.perfectionplus.com 3'