b'RESTORATIVESAppliPLUS AppliPLUS Bendy BrushxBendable for accurate placement and access in hard-to-reach areas xBendable Nylon brush for precise application of materialxNon-Linting, non-absorbent fibre tips xNon linting, non-absorbent bristles for greater carrying capacityxSingle drop application of low viscosity liquids xIdeal for whitening, fluoride application, etching and bonding xIdeal for Cavity liners, Bonding Agents, sealants, and etchants agentsPack 400 Pack 400Product Colour Code CodeSuperfine White/Purple 011/1110 011/1113Fine Blue/Yellow 011/1111Regular Green/Orange 011/1112Mixing PadsUncoated Coated TransparentSize Pack Size Code Size Pack Size Code Size Pack Size Code3.5 x 3.5cm 100 sheets, pack 12 002/0035 7.5 x 7.5cm 100 sheets 002/0038 7 x 7.5cm 100 sheets 002/01604 x 4cm 80 sheets 002/0066 7 x 9.5cm 70 sheets 002/0034 10 x 12.5cm 100 sheets 002/01707 x 7.5cm 80 sheets 002/0067 15 x 15cm 100 sheets 002/003210 x 12.5cm 300 sheets 002/0036 23 x 15cm 100 sheets 002/0033Glass Mixing SlabsProduct Code7 x 7cm 011/9002 Cement Spatulas9.5 x 7cm 011/900412.5 x 7cm 011/900615 x 7cm 011/9008No. 3 CodeDeluxe Octagonal 045/0501Mixing WellsProduct CodePack of 50 002/1004 No. 8 CodeDeluxe Octagonal 045/0500Email sales@perfectionplus.comwww.perfectionplus.com 7'